Archive for August, 2009

Diamond Cove Sneak Peak

August 7, 2009


Congratulations to Ginger and Will who were married at Diamond Cove on Great Diamond Island!  Working with you and your friends and families was truly an unforgettable experience.    Best wishes to you both!

A Countryside Wedding

August 6, 2009




I took a lot of ribbing from local Mainers for calling Norridgewock “the country.”  To me rolling green hills, winding rivers, dirt roads, and spotty mobile phone service equals the country regardless of how close a place is to a shopping center with Target and Best Buy.   Lisa and Todd’s wedding was at Lisa’s family home, and it pretty much fit the bill for a countryside location complete with a barn and fields of tall green grass.  After a minor directional error (lesson learned:  DO NOT attempt to take a Honda Accord off-roading), I still managed to arrive early.  I was warmly greeted by Lisa’s father and found everyone was busy with pre-wedding prep.  Lisa’s parents’ home is a gorgeous white and red farm house surrounded by beautifully landscaped flower gardens.  The front porch featured the requisite rocking chairs, weathered seats, and Americana crafts.  I loved it immediately. 

The tone for the day was set from the very beginning — everyone was so kind, thoughtful, and welcoming that it made for a very easy wedding shoot.  The weather fully cooperated, which was a shock.  We got great overcast skies which gave us nice soft lighting for the family portraits and  gorgeous glowing sunshine for the romantic shots of the bride and groom.  Later in the evening mist started to fill the valleys and clouds darkened the horizon — a feast of moody light and texture for a photographer.  I know it seems ridiculous to talk so much about the weather, but in Maine it really plays such a huge role in how a wedding day goes down.  And to a photographer, the light is the most important element — I spend all day chasing it. 

Below are some of my favorite images.  It was incredibly hard to limit it to so few.  Click here to see the slideshow featuring the highlights of the day. 

It was a real pleasure working with Lisa and Todd and their families.   Thanks for letting me be a part of such a special day!  





























Wedding Dress:  Maggie Sottero
Catering:  Heritage House
Music:  Susie and the Smelts

Wedding Fashion Q&A

August 6, 2009

Got a question about wedding attire?  Chat with a Washington Post fashion editor this morning at 11 AM.