Archive for February, 2015

Back in the fall I offered special mini-portrait sessions. They were a huge hit and a ton of fun. I got to meet so many new people, and I was thrilled when a bunch of friends brought their families out as well. Most folks chose to have their session at Fort Williams. The park is a favorite of mine for portraits — there’s a rocky beach with huge tumbled boulders, a rugged coast with Casco Bay as the backdrop, and open green spaces ringed with golden trees. What it did not offer us was warm temperatures. But everyone braved the cold and gave me their very best. It was a real joy to see the finished products come through in time for the holidays, and seeing everyone’s holiday cards featuring my photography was awesome. I fully intend to run another mini-session special — only this time let’s not wait until late November! If you’re interested in a mini-session some other time of year, shoot me an email. You never know, I might just decide to run an impromptu special.

Thanks to everyone who came out for the mini-sessions. Hope to see you again this fall!








Here in Maine we are currently buried under many feet of snow. The temperatures this winter have been so cold that when the mercury rises about 30 it feels downright balmy outside. It is during these dark days of deep winter when I try to remember that soon enough we will be warming our toes at one of the many nearby beaches. When the snow clears and the beach sand heat up, it will be the perfect time to erase the memories of this never-ending snow globe winter and update your family portraits. Whether it’s May or October, southern Maine beaches make for the perfect portrait location. Contact me about updating your family portraits this summer.








I love photographing high school seniors. It’s fun to document this moment in someone’s life — he or she is on the cusp of big change. It’s an exciting time, and I’m always honored when I’m asked to do capture it.




