Checking In | Maine Wedding Photography by Amy Salerno

July 9, 2013

As most of you know, a couple of weeks ago my grandfather suddenly and unexpectedly died. It sent me and my family reeling, and between the shock of it and travel for the funeral I have fallen a bit behind with my editing. I am ever grateful for my patient and understanding clients and am working hard on keeping to my promised turn around times.

Yesterday I sent a bride and groom their wedding gallery. Waiting to hear back from a couple is agonizing. Thankfully Kathryn didn’t make me suffer to long. I received this gracious email from her shortly afterwards:

“These pictures are fantastic!  There’s not one I don’t like.  Thank you, thank you, thank you! Dana and I have said several times that having you at the wedding to herd all the cats and keep track of every moment was the best thing that we did!  And that was before we saw the pictures!  Wow!  Every time I looked up you were there catching every detail and that just felt great!  My only regret was that I didn’t have you stay until the very end but I honestly think that you got everyone photoed and caught every important moment.”

Portland Maine Wedding
Kathryn is an ordained minister who focuses on “personal ritual and ceremony.” She crafted a beautiful wedding ceremony. I would recommend her wholeheartedly to anyone looking an officiant for a personalized wedding ceremony (contact information to follow). Thank you, Kathryn, for your kind words. Made my day!

Now it’s back to editing Rebecca and Bailey GORGEOUS Newburyport wedding. Beautiful bride in stunning Vera Wang gown and handsome groom in a kilt — what’s there not to like about their wedding?!

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